Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Summer Bucket List for 2012

I still have about three more weeks of teaching until summer break. However, my brain is telling me it is already summer. For the past three years, I have been done with school/college the first week in May, therefore I still have this mindset. If I can just make it three more weeks...

In the midst of trying to stay focused and ignore the beautiful weather and all the other exciting things going on, I decided to make a "Summer Bucket List" for all the these I want to do over the summer or will hopefully do over the summer.

Here is the start of it:

  1. Make flag banners for classroom decorations (See image)
  2. Complete project for corporating teacher from last semester
  3. Make button-up shirt for brother
  4. Make birthday present for the fella
  5. Make some clothing for myself (See Pinterest board!)
  1. Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis
  2. Read two or three books on my shelf I have NOT read yet. I am a sucker for buying a book or two.
  3. Going through a devotional book for the summer. Suggestions??
  1. To be added to the list...Not sure what I want to make specifically
  2. Cook at least once or twice a week
  3. Suggestions on recipes??
  1. Exercise at least twice a week.
  2. Complete the "Couch to 5K" Challenge (Got the app on my phone!)
Planning for School:
  1. Develop Unit Plans for Biology, Chemistry, and Ecology
  2. Update and organize math units
  3. Continue building classroom library and searching for classroom materials
  4. Get organized!
Other Activities:
  1. Mission Trip to PA with PHPC Youth
  2. Trip to the beach to celebrate one of my BF's, Brittany, birthday
  3. Trip to Michigan to visit my friend, Davis
  4. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.
  5. Pool time!
  6. Having lots of QT with the fella
  7. Spending lots of time with another BF, Erica before she heads to Mississippi
  8. Planning a wedding shower for a church friend
  9. Babysitting/house sitting jobs (Any one need a babysitter or house sitter??)
This is the start of the list. I am sure it will grow or diminish in some areas depending on what all turns up in the next few months.

I am THRILLED the weather is finally warmed up consistently, and I am ready for a fun fun summer.

Until next time,

Monday, April 30, 2012

You know it's been awhile...

You know it's been awhile since I have posted anything on my blog for the fact that my background is still from Christmas. Oops! I need to get back in the swing of things. I miss writing and having a place to vent. I will be back to write more later on. For now, enjoy cute pictures of our new puppy, Miss Sophie.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Whoa! Slacking to the MAX

I just looked at the date of my last post...Umm... November 28th, 2011. That is almost TWO months ago. Way to long! I need to get back in the habit of writing. It's a good venting outlet.
Anyways, I could write on and on and on about what has been going on in my life for the past two months, but that could get pretty boring. Let's just summarize for now:

Since the last time I blogged:
  1. Finished student teaching.
  2. Graduated from College of Charleston.
  3. Said "see ya later" to my Charleston friends.
  4. Said "see ya later" to my second home, Charleston.
  5. Moved back home.
  6. Redecorated and organized my room, which turned into a two to three week process.
  7. Had my tonsils taken out, which turned into a two to three week process of being in bed or on the couch.
  8. Celebrated Christmas and New Year's at home.
  9. Spent a lot of time with my fella, Benjamin.
  10. Read through the Hunger Games series.
  11. Watched a lot of movies.
  12. Became addicted to the show, "Dance Moms".
  13. Met my new set of students at Banks Trail Middle School.
  14. Started my new job as a seventh grade teacher on January 17th.
  15. Became the girls track coach at my middle school.
  16. Tried to work on sewing projects but it just didn't happen.
  17. Got my first REAL pay check. Yay!
That's my life in a nutshell right now. I am staying busy most nights. I am loving life right now. I am so incredibly blessed in so many ways. I wouldn't have anything different.

Have a great Friday!

Until next time,

Monday, November 28, 2011

Phase Out Time

Today marks the first official day of “phasing out” for student teaching. This basically means that instead of teaching all day, I will only be teaching science.  I figured that since I only would teach two classes, I would have PLENTY of time to work on items for school. Nope! I ended up working on a million other things. It happens. I will continue “phasing out” until next Tuesday or Wednesday and then will be observing until the end of student teaching the following week.
My workload has lightened up quite a bit and now I have more time to get things done around my dorm and work on sewing projects.  As the semester comes to a close, I am starting my to-do list of everything that needs to be done either before the semester ends or before Christmas:
1.     Finish portfolio for student teaching. This is due next Monday and is my top priority for the next few days!
2.     Finish the unit plan for science. I developed a unit for science and would like to have it completely finished before I leave.
3.     Sew cooperating teacher her present.  My cooperating teacher has been absolutely wonderful this semester. Very supportive and encouraging. I am working on a little something for her to show my appreciation. I would love to have it complete before I finish, but we will see how it goes.
4.     Finish the last two programs for College Lodge (Mr. College Lodge and the Lodge T-Shirts).
5.       Figure out what to get/do for my students. I want to do a little something special for my students before I leave, but I am still not sure. Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated!
6.       Pack and move home. For good. Ahh! That is crazy to think that I won’t be returning to C of C in January.
7.       Finalize everything for my job starting in January. Yes! That’s right! I have a job lined up starting in January. I have not mentioned it very much because I wanted to keep it on the down low. Until I sign everything, which should be in the next week, I am not going to announce the school or position.
These are the main items I can think of off the top of my head. I am sure there are little things that I am forgetting.  I am still feeling really confident and comfortable about the rest of the semester and the start of the New Year.  I am trying to enjoy what time I have left and make the most of every opportunity.  Three more weeks of the semester. Let’s make it great!
Have a wonderful and blessed week!
Until next time,

Sunday, November 20, 2011

This Chapter is About to Close

December 16th marks my last day of my college life. It feels like it just started and now it is about to end. The next month is going to fly by without stopping to give me a chance to breathe.  This Tuesday is the last day of full time teaching for me, and then I begin to “phase out” next week.  It feels like I just started full time teaching. Actually, I started full time teaching seven weeks ago.  It’s all a blur of excitement, joy, tears, struggles, and many accomplishments.  I can’t believe it’s almost over.  It’s a bittersweet feeling.  I know this time would come, but I didn’t realize it would be here so soon.

My semester will be pretty much complete after December 5th, which is the day my portfolio for student teaching is due.  Once I turn all of this in, I will be done with the schoolwork portion of this semester.  After this, I will be spending a lot of time observing and making the most out of the last few days I have with my sixth grade students.
At this point in time, I am experiencing a lot of emotions. I am a little sad to be graduating and to be moving on, but I KNOW I am ready for it. It’s time. This semester has been more than wonderful, and I am thankful for every minute. But I know, it is time to move on. I can’t hold on my college life. This semester has been completely different than all my other semesters with student teaching.  I am looking forward to graduating and starting something new.  Actually, I can’t wait!! I am ready for a fresh start and new experiences.
I feel like I should be nervous and really stressed about graduating, but I am not at all. I know God has my life in His Hands and will guide me in the direction He sees fit.  If He wants me to be somewhere or some situation, then He will make that happen. God is so good and provides so much. I can’t wait for what life throws at me and to see how God is going to mold me in the future.
I hope you have a wonderful week. God bless!
Until next time,

Monday, October 31, 2011

A Special Kind of Love

There is a special kind of love when you teach. At least for me there is.

I love my students so much when:
  1. The lightbulb goes off when they understand a topic
  2. They give you hugs in the hallway
  3. They want to tell you about what is going on in their life
  4. They write you sweet cards
  5. They participate in class
  6. They try to act so tough and mature, but underneath that image is a sweet and innocent child still.
  7. I don't want to get up in the mornings, but I picture their faces and immediately get up
  8. I get to hang out and talk with them at lunch.
  9. They say they have missed me
  10. They genuinely try at their assignments and end up being so successful
  11. They still respect me at the end of the day because they know I respect them
  12. I can get so frustrated, but yet still love each and every one of them at the end of the day
  13. They do kind things for others and don't realize that I noticed it
  14. They aren't afraid to be vulnerable and open up to me
  15. They come into school with a positive and optimistic attitude
I have grown to love my students so much! They have a special place in my heart. They always will be the students that I taught first. This group of students will have that title.

Yes, there are days where I get so frustrated and easily worn down. There are moments when I need to walk away for a moment because I am annoyed. It happens. It is not the end of the world. I realized that it is okay to step away for a few moments to gather yourself back together and continue guiding and leading the students. I try to make sure to constantly show love to my students. They might not always see it, but it's there. It's tough love. If they don't see it, I make sure to tell them I love them on a regularly basis. Some of them may have not ever heard those words being directed towards them. They all need to hear it.

This has always been my mission statement: To love others unconditionally.  I want to continue this mission into my classroom and into the future. It is this kind of passion and care that keeps the fire burning for teaching.

Until next time,

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Going with the flow.

One of my life mottos: Go with the flow.

In student teaching, I have to just go with the flow. I have to be flexible. One thing at a time. I am human. I am not superwoman.

Most days I am wishing there were an extra two hours so I was able to get more accomplished. I finally don't feel completely far behind from what I need to do during student teaching. Things are slowly fitting into place. Mind you, I still have plenty of things I need to do on a regularly basis like grade papers, formulate tests/quizzes/rubrics/powerpoints and other odds and ends, I am at least trying to stay on top of planning for the coming weeks. I am doing this for my kids. Yes, they are MY kids. I have grown to become soo protective of them. Like a mother hen and her chicks. Sure, during the day, some of them drive me a little crazy with their random outbursts and side-conversations, but at the end of the day, I would still keep all of them.

Last Thursday, I participated in the Running Club with my students. Had such a fabulous time. I ended up walking with six of my students for about thirty minutes. I really enjoyed seeing them outside the classroom. On Friday, one of the students that participated in the Running Club with me raised her hand and said, "Ms. Griffin, I had fun yesterday with you in Running Club." That made me feel good :)

Life outside of student teaching is going well. Three weeks ago, my mother came to visit and we had a WONDERFUL time together relaxing and shopping. Last weekend, I went to visit Benjamin and we had a great time going to a football game and spending time together. This weekend, I worked the desk a bunch, worked on halloween decorations, worked on lesson plans, and slept. It has been very low key weekends, which is exactly what my body needs after long weeks at school.

Looking forward to another four-day week! I hope you have a great week as well.

Much love,