Monday, December 27, 2010

The New Year...2011

The new year is upon us. It's weird to think that another year has come and gone. I realize I probably will say this about every year, because each year will seem to go by faster and faster.

As it is common for many people to make New Year resolutions, I usually try to come up with some as well.  I try to keep them as realistic as possible. I tried to remember what I would resolve for 2010, but I can't remember, which probably isn't a good thing.  Fortunately, I was able to find my list in one of my old journals:

New Year's Resolutions for 2010
  1. Less time on Facebook.....this one varied with the weeks and what I had going on. I realize that Facebook can be sooo destructive for myself. I have those days where I will allow myself too become trapped into the lives of others and wishing for things that I didn't have. But then I have other days that I use it solely for communicating with others.
  2. More time in prayer and resolution number 1, this varied with the weeks. I know I needed to make prayer and worship more of a habit, but I would rely more on my own acts instead of relying on God.
  3. Get a 3.5 for this semester.....Yes! I got this one for both semesters.
  4. Exercise at least two times a week.....Eghhhh. Not sooo much. Laziness found its home with me too often.
  5. Work on relationships with friends....I hope I did. I think on top of working on relationships that I already have, I was able to build some new ones.
So for the year 2011, I want to keep it as simple as possible. And keep it realistic. But still challenging myself at the same time.
  1. Love. Love. Love. I want to really be bold in my love. Showing love not only to my Savior, but to everyone. This will mean putting my selfish "needs" aside and focusing on God and His people.
  2. Prayer. I want to continue making prayer an active part in my life. I want to challenge myself to prayer throughout the day more regularly.
  3. Relationship with God. I really feel like I have grown alot since last year with Him. Someone told me that I had changed in the last year, and it really made me feel like I had changed for the worst. I don't feel that way and I certainly hope God doesn't think I have changed for the worst. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I am really letting Him take control of my life and leading me on the path that He wants me to go.
  4. School. As I am finishing up with school at the end of next year, I would like to have some idea of what I will be doing for the following semester. I am not worrying about right now because I know God has control over that situation.
  5. Exercise. I KNOW everyone always puts this on their lists but it really does make a difference being more active. I feel happier and more lively. I am not going to state a number of how much I want to exercise; I want to just do it.
So there it is. My list of resolutions for 2011. Nothing too out of the ordinary I don't think.

I have realized that I have to take this life one day at a time. One moment at a time. One breath at a time. I don't know where tomorrow's moments will take me, but I do know that God guide me wherever I go.

Until next time,

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday Songs #4: The Christmas Edition

I love Christmas. I feel like that statement is such an obvious one for most people. I love the decorations. The lights. The Christmas trees. Shopping for presents. Wrapping presents. Spending time with family. Baking and cooking. Tacky Christmas sweaters. The birth of my Savior.

There is so much to love about this season. One of my most favorite parts, usually starts at the beginning of November on the radio. CHRISTMAS SONGS. Yes, it is slightly obnoxious that Christmas music is playing before Thanksgiving, but if you think about it, there are not Thanksgiving songs, so the radio has to do something ;)

Today was the Christmas Cantata at my church.  Basically the choir sings and people play instruments and it is just a glorious time. I wasn't able to go because I am still at school, but it is another representation of why I love Christmas music.

There are a handful of songs that I could listen to over and over again and not get tired of it. The following are a few of my favorites:

1. Josh Groban - "Oh Holy Night"

This is by far my favorite version of "Oh Holy Night". It is beautiful. And sung by a beautiful man ;) But seriously, it is the best version of the song. "And in his name all oppression shall cease. Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we, With all our hearts we praise His holy name. Christ is the Lord!" We sang it at church today and it reminded me of how amazing our Savior is and how grateful I am of his birth.
2. Trans Siberian Orchestra - "Christmas Canon"

This song reminds me of car rides with the siblings. We all love this song and always sing along to it. I already enjoy Canon in D so adding the Christmas touch to it make it beautiful!
3.  Relient K - "I Celebrate the Day"

This song popped up on my Pandora this season. It really represents the change of heart I have had for the season and really showing an appreciation to the Lord for the greatest gift of all: His Son. Some of the lyrics: "And the first time That You opened Your eyes did You realize that You would be my Savior And the first breath that left Your lips Did You know that it would change this world forever And so this Christmas I'll compare the things I felt in prior years To what this midnight made so clear  That You have come to meet me here. And I, I celebrate the day That You were born to die So I could one day pray for You to save my life."
4. Mariah Carey - "All I Want for Christmas"

This is such a typical Christmas to like especially for girls. I feel like it is a top choice for ALOT of people. It is a perfect "dance around your room" song. (We all know those are my favorite. hehe)
5. Band Aid - "Do They Know It's Christmas"

This is another radio song for me. I enjoy it every time it comes on. For some reason, I only really like it when I am in the car with a group of people singing along with it.
This is just the beginning of the Christmas song list...there are tons that I enjoy listening to. I hope to get another post up next Sunday with some more songs.
Until next time,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

You Must Be November

Where did the month of November go?? It went by wayy too quickly.

Not too much happened in November expect for my birthday (yayy!), Thanksgiving and some sewing projects.

For all you craft lovers out there, I will start with this topic first ;)

One of my residents had a semi-formal, and wanted a cute headpiece to go with her outfit. She was wearing a silver, strapless dress with hot pink heels.  I decided to make her a hot pink flower to match the shoes. I pulled a couple of ideas off the internet and got some silk and mesh fabric from the store.  I think it turned out really cute!!
My next project was an EXTREMELY large t-shirt. 
IT IS TOO BIG FOR ME. I had originally bought it for my ninja turtle costume, but got something else instead. Once again, I found a re-fashion shirt idea and decided to try it out:
It is a little small, but I really like how it turned out. I love buttons and had some to add to the shirt.

At Thanksgiving, I couldn't resist making/decorating some cupcakes. I did my usual buttercream icing.

My 21st birthday was at the beginning of the month. I had a blast all weekend and celebrated "safely". On thursday night, I went out with some friends, got dessert, and had a few drinks.  On Friday (my birthday), Adam and I drove to Clemson. We went out for a bit, but I called it an early night because the football game was at twelve.  I went to the football game with Benjamin. We stood on the hill! It was cool to be that close to the football players as they were coming down the hill. After the game, Benjamin made me fajitas (my favorite!). On Sunday morning, Adam and I drove to Fort Mill to see the family. We relaxed and ate some delicious (and pretty) bakery cake! It was a WONDERFUL birthday weekend and I am thankful for everyone that was part of it.
I went to a hockey game with Adam and Garen one weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed it and am starting to get into hockey...It is a fun sport to watch.
We celebrated Thanksgiving in Savannah this year (third year in a row!). I ate wayyy too much food, but it was all delicious. On Friday, the ladies went shopping. Got lots of goodies! I enjoyed getting away from school for awhile and spending time with family. On of the best parts was meeting baby Griffin. He is such a sweet little boy.

Well that is a semi-short version of my November. I kept putting off uploading my photos. O well, better late than never.

Until next time,

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday Songs #3

Ahh! I realized it has been forever since I posted a Sunday Song list....

I actually have a list that I keep so when I think of a song, I write it down and can blog about it later.

This week's Sunday Songs is about Television Show Theme Songs. This theme is going to have to be multiple posts because there is a lot of them.

A sidenote: I used to watch a lot of TV, but I really don't anymore. I have a TV in my room and it probably gets turned on once or twice a week.

So the following are just a FEW of the songs I remember enjoying whenever a show would come on:

....In no particular order:

  1. Family Matters
    • "It's a rare condition, this day and age, to read any good news on the newspaper page..." I didn't even really like the show all that much, but I loved the theme song! It is catchy and make you feel like hanging out with family. Haha.
  2. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
    • If you put this song, everyone breaks out in singing. We all watched it growing up. I only know a few parts so when I sing it, it is pretty scattered.
  3. Full House
    • "Whatever happened to predictability..." Love love love this show! Whenever it comes on, I have to watch it. I forget how old the show really is. I mean, it was made in the early 90s! So crazy.
  4. Growing Pains
    • "As long as we got each other, we got the world spinning right in our hands..." THIS IS MY FAVORITE THEME SONG. I didn't watch Growing Pains until I was in late elementary school, but I loved it as soon as I started watching. I get a little teary-eyed hearing the song. I think about family when I hear it. Family is there for you through it all. I love my family so much.
Until next time...

Much love,

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Self Check

Yes, it is true. If you look at the time I posted this, it truly is 5:45 in the morning. I can't go to sleep with all this on my mind. It probably won't make any sense, but I need to get it off my chest. If you are interested in postings about sewing/craft projects, this won't be one of those posts.

This post is called exactly what it should be: A Self Check. That is what just happened. TRUTH confronting me.

I can be so blind to the truth and to what is right. Why? I completely blame it on my selfishness to do things on my own.  In most cases, in order for God to show me truth, He has to basically throw it all at me at once or else I miss everything.

Picture this: there is a wall in front of me (The Wall being Truth). However, it is only a few feet tall and a few feet wide. Easy to get over it and around it. Because it is so "small" and hard to distinguish, I don't take note of it. I do everything to ignore it. Allowing myself to pretend something else is true. I even try to knock it down in order for my "truth" or what I know to be "true" to fit in. Unfortunately, with this tiny Wall, I don't take it into account. What I don't realize is that the lies are slowly being built on top of it. One brick, or lie at a time, none of it being true so none of it being supported by the Wall already there. It only takes one storm to bring it down. And that is exactly what happened. It came crumbling on top of me.
Pardon the analogy if it doesn't make much sense. I'm just going with it at the moment.

I have allowed things that are not true to creep into my life. Things that have affected relationships with other people.

What have I become? That is not me. At least, I don't want that to be me. EVER. I am disappointed in my self. I am the only one to blame in the situation(s).

I feel horrible about everything that has occurred. It stinks feeling this way, but this is the only way God ever gets my attention: By throwing everything at me at once. By putting me into the spot of how I have hurt other people.

I realize hardly anyone will know what I am talking about when they read this. Honestly, it is not about knowing the story. I am writing this to keep myself accountable to fix what I have wronged. To change my knowledge. To get rid of the what is not true.

I can't do this on my own. Which is what God has shown to me. He is the Maker of the Truth. He IS the Truth. I can't take away the hurt that I have caused unfortunately. I really won't be able to fix things. Only He can do that. I just pray that He will provide me with the guidance I need for the situation(s) and to help me remember that I can't be Him and won't be able to make right of everything.
I wish I could make everything right and put it back to how it was, but it won't ever be that way, sadly. I know what I need to do. I can't change others and their views/"truths", but I will make it so that what is right and true is brought forward and recognized.

 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. ~ Ephesians 4:31-32

All have sinned and are not good enough for God’s glory, and all need to be made right with God by His grace, which is a free gift. They need to be made free form sin through Jesus Christ. ~ Romans 3: 23-24 NCV

When you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too. ~ Mark 11:25
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. ~ Romans 12:2

And let us not get tired of doing what is right, for after a while we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t get discouraged and give up. That’s why whenever we can we should always be kind to everyone, and especially to our Christian brothers. ~ Galatians 6: 9-10

A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance. Blessed is the man who reveres God, but the man who doesn’t care is headed for serious trouble. ~ Proverbs 28: 13-14

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. ~ Phillipians 4:8

Remember, too, that knowing what is right to do and then not doing it is sin. ~ James 4: 17

I dont know if anyone actually read everything I wrote. I don't know if it makes much sense to anyone. It is mainly for me as a reminder of what I want to happen and what needs to happen.  However, I feel like we can all relate to the fact of wrongdoing and allowing God and His Grace to fix it.

Until next time,

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Weekend

I realized it has been almost a month since I last posted something. Boo!!! So many times I have thought about writing something, but I always get distracted. I have realized the best time for me to write a post is when I should be doing homework instead. For example, I should be writing a paper right now. :)

So, not too much has been going on these past few weeks. School is busy busy busy (as usual). I signed up for classes this past Wednesday. It will be my last semester of taking classes because next fall I will be student teaching. It amazes me how college has flown by so quickly. I try not to think about it too much.

I have been in a crafty mood recently, so I have been working on projects here and there.
I had tissue paper flowers left over from my cousin's baby shower. I didn't want to throw them out so I used them to decorate my room. I tried hanging them from the ceiling, but they all fell down. I came across this idea on a blogsite and thought it was cute. I might add a few more to this wall. It brightens up the room alot.
I had a really plain and simple J. Crew shirt that I never wore because it was a little too simple. I bought some fabric from Hancocks and sewed on some "yo-yo's". I really like the finished product!

Some of the other projects I have been working on were my halloween costumes. All three outfits were either made or adjusted in some way.  See pictures below!!! My next few projects are some re-fashioning of old shirts and then making a shirt for a friend. And don't forget about christmas presents too!! :)

Halloween (or should I say "Halloweek") started last Tuesday for me with a Fall Carnival put on by Residence Life. The children of faculty and staff came and participated in games and trick-or-treating. I was a cheerleader, but I don't have any pictures of my outfit from that night.

On Thursday, I have two parties: Campus Crusade and a friend's party. I was a ladybug for both parties. I re-wore this outfit from last year. It is so cute, so I had to re-use it.

On Friday, I went to a dance party as a "Jungle Woman"/ "Cavewoman". I LOVE dancing so it was fun to put on my dancing shoes and have a good time with some awesome ladies!

Saturday receives the award for my favorite costume. I was a Ninja Turtle! I don't even know where I got the idea to be one, but I just went with it. My dad made my turtle shell and a friend painted it to make the shell look more realistic. I had the most fun in this costume and will be wearing it again in the future.
Until next time....Much love,

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sunday Songs #2

Right now I am on Fall Break. Yayy!! I came home for the weekend, and it is so nice to get away for a little awhile. On Saturday, there was a Fall Festival at my church. I enjoyed seeing all my church friends as well as making/eating cotton candy. The weather could have not been any more perfect for the event!

Well, if you didn't read my last Sunday's post, I have started a new topic called "Sunday Songs".  Basically, I pull together a few songs I like and talk about them.  I am still working on the details of how everything should flow so stick with me!

I thought about making this week's topic a little special.  I know it's only the second week of doing a Sunday Song post, but I felt inspired.  Inspired by what or whom you may ask? MY LITTLE BROTHER.  Also known as Garen, Mr. G, or G-Dog.

I love my little brother. He is awesome.  If you don't know him, well, you should get to know him because he is that cool. There are so many little things he does that are hilarious to me. He is not one for talking on the phone, so I can always guess what he is going to say (which is usually one word responses).  He asked me if I wanted to get ice cream one time, and then expected me to pay.  He has a pet cat, Rosie, that he loves wayy too much. We enjoy wrestling from time to time (me, Garen, and Adam).  He is a good workout buddy.  He is a pretty tough cookie as well.  My older brother, Adam, finally admitted that if he and Garen really got into a fight, Adam would lose against Garen.

However, Garen has such a kind and caring heart.  At times, he will do something, and I will think to myself, "I can't believe this kid is 17 because he is acting so much more maturer!"  He really is a thoughtful person and has a growing heart and passion for the Lord.

Within the last year, Garen has been working on acquiring a new skill that many people may not know about: Piano Playing.  He started lessons this summer and has progressively gotten better.  It seems like every time I come home he has learned a new song.  When he first started playing, he seemed to play the same songs repetively.  I love it though! So, the following are some of the few songs that whenever I hear them, I think about Garen playing them:
  1. Don't Stop Believing - Journey
  2. Faithfully - Journey
  3. Hey Jude - The Beatles
  4. Let It Be - The Beatles
  5. Titanic Theme Song
  6. Fur Elise Beethoven
PS - Love you little bro! You are the greatest <3

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday Songs #1

After I ran out of shoes to write about, I knew I needed to start a new blog topic. I had to! I looked forward to ShoesDay every Tuesday. Well, here it is...the new topic:


Hmm...I like it. (Thanks Candace!)  My intentions for this new blog topic is to write about some of my favorite songs.  Hopefully, some of the songs being your favorites too or may become one of your favorites!

Now keep in mind, just because I write about a song(s) today, does not make them my all-time favorite. Music is like children to me, I love them all!! Of course some more than others at times ;)

So without anymore writing, lets get new blog topic rolling!!

Sunday Song Theme this week: Dancing

I am not the kind of person who can sit still for very long. I like being up and doing something. Hence why I like dancing so much! A little secret: I love putting my headphones in and dancing around my room. You can't go wrong without a little extra beat to your step.

The following are some of my favorite dance-around-the-room songs:
  • Oh, the irony! A song about not feeling like dancing causes me to want to dance.
  • It has a seventies feel to it, but with a little modern-day twist.
  • I first heard this song in a parking lot outside of a movie theatre in a friend's car. He decided to start dancing to it in the parking lot at 12 at night. Pretty hilarious, especially watching the people's reactions as they drove by.
  • First, it is Glee so of course I am going to like it!  Second, its a Madonna song. Two wins in one song. :)
  • I think the music video is hilarious. We should all just let loose some days. Take off the work clothes and just have fun.
  • When I hear this song, I want to pull out an electric guitar and jam out like Marty McFly. (If you don't know what I am talking about, go watch Back to the Future. Awesome movie!)

Don't be suprised if I have another week dedicated to dancing-in-my-room. Hehe.

Until next Sunday....

Much love!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Getting Back to It...

Oh, how I wish I would blog more!! I don't know if anyone actually reads what I write, but I love doing it. I have ideas that pop into my head randomly, and I have every intention of writing, but then other things come up...HOMEWORK!!! Such is life I suppose.

What is going on in my life?

1.  The Start of Fall has arrived! Goodbye Summer, I will miss you! I do I do I do I do love Fall though! For the still semi-warm weather, the food, the clothes, the activities, etc.  I miss the changing leaves. It just doesn't happen here in Charleston. 
This is what I would like to see outside:
But this is what it look like outside: It just stays green. And some leaves do fall off the trees, but it seems like they go from GREEN to NO LEAVES. Okay, I am done hating on Charleston's trees.
2. This past weekend was Fall Getaway with Campus Crusade. What an amazing time!!! God is soo good! The weather on Saturday was perfect.  The talks were great. And the bonding times were awesome. I got to know some godly girls even more and I am so thankful for their friendships. The talks were about how to have an authentic relationship with God and being zealous in Your Walk.  I really needed to hear this. Every bit. Life gets so hectic at times, but if I make the time for God it all seems to work out. I am amazed at how He reveals Himself to me so regularly.

3. Today, I taught my first lesson plan for a middle school class! Wow. So exciting. I enjoyed it so much. I do realize that not all days will I walk out of a classroom being pumped about middle school and working with adolescence, but God is still lighting the fire and passion for teaching. I taught a 7th grade Science Class. Learning about some soil characteristics! Not the most exciting topic, but a lesson is a lesson.

4. So, I really do want to start blogging more! During the week, I am so busy with school and homework that I don't have much time to blog let alone make time for myself. However, I am going to start making the time for it. While the ShoesDays have come and gone (until I get new shoes of course!!!)  With the suggestions from my wonderful cousin, Candace, I plan on starting two new topics.  The first one will be about all the books I read within the semester/school year. From textbooks all the way to personal reads. I do so much reading, why not talk about them?! The second topic I am most excited about...Sunday Songs! I plan on talking about favorite song(s) each Sunday. Why I like them. What I think they mean. Etc. I am really looking forward to this, especially since there is soo many good songs!!

Everyone have a great day! Love you!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Shower for Candace and Baby S

On Saturday, September 11th, my mother, Aunt Susie, and I threw a baby shower for Candace.  Candace is expecting her first on October 10 (10/10/10)! Everything fell into place the day of the shower; it couldn't have gone any more perfectly than it did. It was great to see everyone and enjoy some delicious food.

Below are some pictures of the decorations and food. My mother made the diaper cake and she did an AWESOME job!!!
Table Decorations
"Its a Girl! Its a Boy!" ~ People could hang a dot on what they thought the gender of the baby would be (Candace isn't finding out the sex of the baby until it's born!)
Diaper Cake (Thanks Mom!!)
Cupcakes were made: Ducks and Flowers!
I made homemade mints drizzled with milk chocolate for the Party Favors.

Below are some pictures of the event:

Below are some pictures of Candace's baby present I made her. It was the best quilt I had made so far! It was the first time I binded a quilt. Quite challenging and very meticulous. I hope baby S will put it to good use :)