Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sunday Songs #2

Right now I am on Fall Break. Yayy!! I came home for the weekend, and it is so nice to get away for a little awhile. On Saturday, there was a Fall Festival at my church. I enjoyed seeing all my church friends as well as making/eating cotton candy. The weather could have not been any more perfect for the event!

Well, if you didn't read my last Sunday's post, I have started a new topic called "Sunday Songs".  Basically, I pull together a few songs I like and talk about them.  I am still working on the details of how everything should flow so stick with me!

I thought about making this week's topic a little special.  I know it's only the second week of doing a Sunday Song post, but I felt inspired.  Inspired by what or whom you may ask? MY LITTLE BROTHER.  Also known as Garen, Mr. G, or G-Dog.

I love my little brother. He is awesome.  If you don't know him, well, you should get to know him because he is that cool. There are so many little things he does that are hilarious to me. He is not one for talking on the phone, so I can always guess what he is going to say (which is usually one word responses).  He asked me if I wanted to get ice cream one time, and then expected me to pay.  He has a pet cat, Rosie, that he loves wayy too much. We enjoy wrestling from time to time (me, Garen, and Adam).  He is a good workout buddy.  He is a pretty tough cookie as well.  My older brother, Adam, finally admitted that if he and Garen really got into a fight, Adam would lose against Garen.

However, Garen has such a kind and caring heart.  At times, he will do something, and I will think to myself, "I can't believe this kid is 17 because he is acting so much more maturer!"  He really is a thoughtful person and has a growing heart and passion for the Lord.

Within the last year, Garen has been working on acquiring a new skill that many people may not know about: Piano Playing.  He started lessons this summer and has progressively gotten better.  It seems like every time I come home he has learned a new song.  When he first started playing, he seemed to play the same songs repetively.  I love it though! So, the following are some of the few songs that whenever I hear them, I think about Garen playing them:
  1. Don't Stop Believing - Journey
  2. Faithfully - Journey
  3. Hey Jude - The Beatles
  4. Let It Be - The Beatles
  5. Titanic Theme Song
  6. Fur Elise Beethoven
PS - Love you little bro! You are the greatest <3

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday Songs #1

After I ran out of shoes to write about, I knew I needed to start a new blog topic. I had to! I looked forward to ShoesDay every Tuesday. Well, here it is...the new topic:


Hmm...I like it. (Thanks Candace!)  My intentions for this new blog topic is to write about some of my favorite songs.  Hopefully, some of the songs being your favorites too or may become one of your favorites!

Now keep in mind, just because I write about a song(s) today, does not make them my all-time favorite. Music is like children to me, I love them all!! Of course some more than others at times ;)

So without anymore writing, lets get new blog topic rolling!!

Sunday Song Theme this week: Dancing

I am not the kind of person who can sit still for very long. I like being up and doing something. Hence why I like dancing so much! A little secret: I love putting my headphones in and dancing around my room. You can't go wrong without a little extra beat to your step.

The following are some of my favorite dance-around-the-room songs:
  • Oh, the irony! A song about not feeling like dancing causes me to want to dance.
  • It has a seventies feel to it, but with a little modern-day twist.
  • I first heard this song in a parking lot outside of a movie theatre in a friend's car. He decided to start dancing to it in the parking lot at 12 at night. Pretty hilarious, especially watching the people's reactions as they drove by.
  • First, it is Glee so of course I am going to like it!  Second, its a Madonna song. Two wins in one song. :)
  • I think the music video is hilarious. We should all just let loose some days. Take off the work clothes and just have fun.
  • When I hear this song, I want to pull out an electric guitar and jam out like Marty McFly. (If you don't know what I am talking about, go watch Back to the Future. Awesome movie!)

Don't be suprised if I have another week dedicated to dancing-in-my-room. Hehe.

Until next Sunday....

Much love!!!