Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!

So looking back at my previous blog, I realized that sometimes it does help to take breaks in between studying for big tests or exams, and it paid off because I finished with a 3.8! I was hoping for a 3.4, but this GPA really made me happy. This semester has been quite the challenge, not only in school but in other aspects as well. Each day I realize more and more how I need God in my life. He is the only One who will be able to heal my brokenness. I cause myself to fall, but He loves me so much that is willing catch me before I completely fall or will let me fall and help me back up.

I realize this year could have been a lot worse and for some people, it has been worse. I guess this year hasn’t been “terrible”, I have just been faced with issues I haven’t had to experience before. Death. In an instant, someone can be here and then gone. It’s painful to know that I will not be able to physically hug or talk to that person for a long time. I have to force myself to stay positive knowing that they are spending their time in heaven singing praises to Our Daddy. I must admit, I am a little jealous of them. On top of a few deaths, there have been a few other challenges in my life, but I am going to just leave it at that. (Pictures: Left - Gammy. Below - Cindy and Mackie)

I am ready for the new year to begin. We, as followers of Christ need to have a daily outlook on life similar to the one we experience when the new year begins. On New Year’s, we feel like there is a fresh start to everything, but in reality, we have been blessed with a fresh start each day. It’s much easier said than done of course, but I am challenging myself to have a more optimistic outlook for the upcoming year each day. I finally finished my New Year’s Resolution list. I pray that I can really stick to it. I need to critique it a little more by taking a few unrealistic ideas off. In reality, I KNOW I will not exercise every day :) My two big resolutions are to work on growing closer with God and working on my communication with friends and family.

I head back down to Charleston on January 4th. I have to been down there a week early. I got a job as a RA! Training for it is on the 5th and 6th. I could not be happier with the opportunity to be a RA. It will be a huge challenge and responsibility in itself for the semester, but it gives me all the more reason to rely on God for guidance and strength.


I came across this picture on I thought it was pretty humorous. :)