Sunday, April 11, 2010

Look Mama! I can sew!!

So, it is official. Sewing has become one of my favorite hobbies! I just finished a project today. It was pretty easy.  The directions were a little confusing, and I made a few adjustments. I found the pattern from Made By Lex Blog . I love her stuff! She takes ideas from J.Crew and Anthropology and comes up with her own pattern for much much cheaper.
So, here is the before:
And, here is the after:

I am really pleased with how it turned out. Lesson learned from this project: read through the directions a couple of times before starting the project. I have a tendency to get ahead of myself, so I need to work on doing one thing at a time. The hardest part was sizing the shirt so it wouldn't be too big or too small.

Hope you all have a blessed week! Love ya <3