Monday, December 27, 2010

The New Year...2011

The new year is upon us. It's weird to think that another year has come and gone. I realize I probably will say this about every year, because each year will seem to go by faster and faster.

As it is common for many people to make New Year resolutions, I usually try to come up with some as well.  I try to keep them as realistic as possible. I tried to remember what I would resolve for 2010, but I can't remember, which probably isn't a good thing.  Fortunately, I was able to find my list in one of my old journals:

New Year's Resolutions for 2010
  1. Less time on Facebook.....this one varied with the weeks and what I had going on. I realize that Facebook can be sooo destructive for myself. I have those days where I will allow myself too become trapped into the lives of others and wishing for things that I didn't have. But then I have other days that I use it solely for communicating with others.
  2. More time in prayer and resolution number 1, this varied with the weeks. I know I needed to make prayer and worship more of a habit, but I would rely more on my own acts instead of relying on God.
  3. Get a 3.5 for this semester.....Yes! I got this one for both semesters.
  4. Exercise at least two times a week.....Eghhhh. Not sooo much. Laziness found its home with me too often.
  5. Work on relationships with friends....I hope I did. I think on top of working on relationships that I already have, I was able to build some new ones.
So for the year 2011, I want to keep it as simple as possible. And keep it realistic. But still challenging myself at the same time.
  1. Love. Love. Love. I want to really be bold in my love. Showing love not only to my Savior, but to everyone. This will mean putting my selfish "needs" aside and focusing on God and His people.
  2. Prayer. I want to continue making prayer an active part in my life. I want to challenge myself to prayer throughout the day more regularly.
  3. Relationship with God. I really feel like I have grown alot since last year with Him. Someone told me that I had changed in the last year, and it really made me feel like I had changed for the worst. I don't feel that way and I certainly hope God doesn't think I have changed for the worst. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I am really letting Him take control of my life and leading me on the path that He wants me to go.
  4. School. As I am finishing up with school at the end of next year, I would like to have some idea of what I will be doing for the following semester. I am not worrying about right now because I know God has control over that situation.
  5. Exercise. I KNOW everyone always puts this on their lists but it really does make a difference being more active. I feel happier and more lively. I am not going to state a number of how much I want to exercise; I want to just do it.
So there it is. My list of resolutions for 2011. Nothing too out of the ordinary I don't think.

I have realized that I have to take this life one day at a time. One moment at a time. One breath at a time. I don't know where tomorrow's moments will take me, but I do know that God guide me wherever I go.

Until next time,

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday Songs #4: The Christmas Edition

I love Christmas. I feel like that statement is such an obvious one for most people. I love the decorations. The lights. The Christmas trees. Shopping for presents. Wrapping presents. Spending time with family. Baking and cooking. Tacky Christmas sweaters. The birth of my Savior.

There is so much to love about this season. One of my most favorite parts, usually starts at the beginning of November on the radio. CHRISTMAS SONGS. Yes, it is slightly obnoxious that Christmas music is playing before Thanksgiving, but if you think about it, there are not Thanksgiving songs, so the radio has to do something ;)

Today was the Christmas Cantata at my church.  Basically the choir sings and people play instruments and it is just a glorious time. I wasn't able to go because I am still at school, but it is another representation of why I love Christmas music.

There are a handful of songs that I could listen to over and over again and not get tired of it. The following are a few of my favorites:

1. Josh Groban - "Oh Holy Night"

This is by far my favorite version of "Oh Holy Night". It is beautiful. And sung by a beautiful man ;) But seriously, it is the best version of the song. "And in his name all oppression shall cease. Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we, With all our hearts we praise His holy name. Christ is the Lord!" We sang it at church today and it reminded me of how amazing our Savior is and how grateful I am of his birth.
2. Trans Siberian Orchestra - "Christmas Canon"

This song reminds me of car rides with the siblings. We all love this song and always sing along to it. I already enjoy Canon in D so adding the Christmas touch to it make it beautiful!
3.  Relient K - "I Celebrate the Day"

This song popped up on my Pandora this season. It really represents the change of heart I have had for the season and really showing an appreciation to the Lord for the greatest gift of all: His Son. Some of the lyrics: "And the first time That You opened Your eyes did You realize that You would be my Savior And the first breath that left Your lips Did You know that it would change this world forever And so this Christmas I'll compare the things I felt in prior years To what this midnight made so clear  That You have come to meet me here. And I, I celebrate the day That You were born to die So I could one day pray for You to save my life."
4. Mariah Carey - "All I Want for Christmas"

This is such a typical Christmas to like especially for girls. I feel like it is a top choice for ALOT of people. It is a perfect "dance around your room" song. (We all know those are my favorite. hehe)
5. Band Aid - "Do They Know It's Christmas"

This is another radio song for me. I enjoy it every time it comes on. For some reason, I only really like it when I am in the car with a group of people singing along with it.
This is just the beginning of the Christmas song list...there are tons that I enjoy listening to. I hope to get another post up next Sunday with some more songs.
Until next time,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

You Must Be November

Where did the month of November go?? It went by wayy too quickly.

Not too much happened in November expect for my birthday (yayy!), Thanksgiving and some sewing projects.

For all you craft lovers out there, I will start with this topic first ;)

One of my residents had a semi-formal, and wanted a cute headpiece to go with her outfit. She was wearing a silver, strapless dress with hot pink heels.  I decided to make her a hot pink flower to match the shoes. I pulled a couple of ideas off the internet and got some silk and mesh fabric from the store.  I think it turned out really cute!!
My next project was an EXTREMELY large t-shirt. 
IT IS TOO BIG FOR ME. I had originally bought it for my ninja turtle costume, but got something else instead. Once again, I found a re-fashion shirt idea and decided to try it out:
It is a little small, but I really like how it turned out. I love buttons and had some to add to the shirt.

At Thanksgiving, I couldn't resist making/decorating some cupcakes. I did my usual buttercream icing.

My 21st birthday was at the beginning of the month. I had a blast all weekend and celebrated "safely". On thursday night, I went out with some friends, got dessert, and had a few drinks.  On Friday (my birthday), Adam and I drove to Clemson. We went out for a bit, but I called it an early night because the football game was at twelve.  I went to the football game with Benjamin. We stood on the hill! It was cool to be that close to the football players as they were coming down the hill. After the game, Benjamin made me fajitas (my favorite!). On Sunday morning, Adam and I drove to Fort Mill to see the family. We relaxed and ate some delicious (and pretty) bakery cake! It was a WONDERFUL birthday weekend and I am thankful for everyone that was part of it.
I went to a hockey game with Adam and Garen one weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed it and am starting to get into hockey...It is a fun sport to watch.
We celebrated Thanksgiving in Savannah this year (third year in a row!). I ate wayyy too much food, but it was all delicious. On Friday, the ladies went shopping. Got lots of goodies! I enjoyed getting away from school for awhile and spending time with family. On of the best parts was meeting baby Griffin. He is such a sweet little boy.

Well that is a semi-short version of my November. I kept putting off uploading my photos. O well, better late than never.

Until next time,