Monday, May 24, 2010

ShoesDay #3

I hope everyone is having a lovely Tuesday! I start summer school today. I feel like today marks the beginning of my busy summer with school, babysitting, teaching the Middle School Sunday School class, and my part-time job. I am VERY thankful I was able to find a part-time job! Where you might ask?? Victoria's Secret!!! I am super excited about it and will also have to be careful about not spending too much of my pay check on my under-garments ;)
Shoes #4
This Tuesday, I will be talking about my Pink Sperry's. I like these because hardly anyone has this pair in the pink shade. Most people have the tan colored. I am all about some unique shoes!

On the Sperry's website, it says they are the "makers of the original boat shoe." I think it is humorous that so many people have these shoes, but so few actually wear them on a boat. It has been awhile since I have been on a sailboat (probably three years), but I made sure I wore my "boat shoes" the last time I was on one.
THE last time I was on a sail boat was Spring Break of my sophomore year. My family went to Beaufort, North Carolina to visit friends of the family. The males decided to go sailing early one morning and I couldn't pass up an opportunity to use my boat shoes. Plus, I really enjoy sailing so I tagged along.
THE weather was a little chilly but nothing unbearable. As we made are way further away from the coast, I noticed something rather large and gray ahead of us in the water. It would come up a little out of the water and then go back under. "Look it's a whale," I told my dad, but he didn't believe me until he saw it. Then I noticed something a little smaller beside it and I realized it was a baby whale!  We tried to sail after them to get better pictures, but because they didn't come up as often, they ended up too far ahead of us. I was able to snap a few photos, but they got deleted off the computer (always happens to the good pictures!).
LOOKING back at this experience, one of the things that sticks out to me is the fact that I saw A WHALE! I mean, this is one of the biggest creatures on earth. Even though I didn't see the entire whale at one time, the whales still looked big coming up out of the water. It is amazing how God creates something of such size and then turns around and creates something like a ant or caterpillar. All are so significant. I mean, they would have to be, or else why would He create them?
GOD'S creation is so beautiful and intertwined. If you be still and look around you, you can see everything. Feel everything. Hear everything. So much of His Glory can be revealed when we allow ourselves to be more aware of it. God can do so much. If He can take care of a creature of this size, then of course He can take care of us. I would encourage anyone reading this to take a moment to note on the little things (and big things!) surrounding you that reveal God's glory and that show His Love to us.
I hope you all have an amazing day. Love you all!

Psalm 104:24-25 - O LORD, how manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Yonder is the sea, great and wide, creeping things innumerable are there, living things both small and great.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

ShoesDay #2

Another day of shoes...Yayy!!! For those who are new, every Tuesday I am writing about a pair of my shoes and a story about them. Hope you enjoy!

Shoes #3
Chacos. These are my outdoor/hiking shoes. However, I will admit, I don't think I have EVER actually going hiking in them. Unless you consider walking the streets of Charleston on a Saturday, then yes, I have gone hiking. If you live in downtown Charleston, you know what I am talking about.
Let's see, what is there to know about these shoes? I got these shoes on my 19th birthday. It was my ONLY birthday present. Chacos are a little pricey, but a great investment because there is a lifetime warranty on them.  I first want a pair in high school after going to Look Up Lodge, and all the staffers had a pair. I didn't like them at first, but then they grew on me.
I like them because they do remind me of Look Up Lodge. A LOT of great times, great fellowship, and great information that was brought back with me after spending a week there.
I first went to Look Up Lodge in 2005, the summer after my freshman year of high school.  It was the first time any of the students from my church had gone to this particular camp. Not only was the first trip amazing, but the three to follow were just the same.  I bonded with so many of the other people in my youth group as well as people from other areas.  The night before I would go up there for a week, I couldn't sleep because I knew that God was going to do some amazing things in the week to come and I couldn't be anymore excited.  I learned so much about God and His amazing love. I always left there being so grateful for all that had come from the week.
From the four summers I had went, I left with some stories:
  1. Sex Camp. The first time I went the theme of the week was Love, Sex, and Dating, but our youth group thought it would be more appropriate to call it Sex Camp. I received interesting looks from my friends when I told them I would be away at Sex Camp for a week! Most people assume the worst when you tell them such things.
  2. Cooter. That's all I can about that subject. If you were there, then you know what I am talking about and understand the humor behind it. Haha. Good times.
  3. Giant Swing. There is this huge swing that is extremely fun to ride, but a little scary at the same time. Totally worth the nerviousness of the first drop.
  4. Thursday Nights. The camp would have an end-of-the-week celebration. One time there was an ice cream social.  Another time, there was a country dance. The last time I was there, I spent the Thursday night in the ER. One of the kids in my youth group hurt his hand so I went with him and the youth leader. That was an interesting night for sure. A word to all: If you get mad at someone, DON"T punch a piece of wood. The piece of wood will win.
  5. Fellowship. Worship. Chapel. So many good lessons. So many good talks. Greg, the owner/director, really challenged my faith. He asked a lot of questions that would frustrate me because I didn't understand, but would require me to figure things out on my own. The music was great. It was peaceful. It got me ready for the talks each morning and evening.
  6. Main Lodge. Locust. Dogwood. Poplar. These were all the different cabins I stayed in. It amazes me that 10 to 12 girls can share a bathroom. It is possible!!! Surprisingly, the girls' room was always cleaner than the boys.
I could probably write a book with all my experiences from the summers I was there. So much more happened than what I just noted I can't count the number of amazing, godly people I met and developed friendships with. I experienced so much of God's love there. When you experience God, you have a connection to that place where it happened. So whenever I wear these shoes, I always think back to what God did in those weeks that affected who I am today.

A few pictures from the summers:

Monday, May 17, 2010

Summer is here...

First off, I just want to ask, where did this past semester go?!?! It has been a whirlwind of excitement, challenges, and great times. I continue to be thankful for everything that I am faced with because I know it is another opportunity for God to do some amazing things in my life and another opportunity for Him to show His Glory.

This semester was great! I finished off with a 3.95 for the semester and now stand at a 3.77 GPA overall. I couldn't be any more happier. I plan to be a RA again in the same place and I look forward to the start of that in August.

A few things I learned this semester:
  1. I can handle taking 18 hours along with being a RA and still having a good time with my friends and family.
  2. Sometimes I think I am ready for a new situation, but it might not be in God's timing.
  3. I want to be a middle school teacher.
  4. I can't plan my life to the exact details, because it is not going to go that way.
I am glad it is summer. It's a fresh start to the year.

I like to have a plan for the summer. Of course life never goes according to plan, but it is always an adventure and it is nice to have an idea of what I would like to get accomplished.

So here is what I am thinking:
  1. READING!!! It is hard to enjoy reading at school when there is already so much to do. Summer is my time to read whatever I want. I borrowed a few books from people so I will be reading through those. The books are: This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen (already completed), Eat, Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, The Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus, Clara's War by Clara Kramer, Second Chance by Jane Green, Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer, and Twilight series (I admit to having not read any of them ever). It is quite a lot of books and I hope to get through all of them in the next three monthss. I will make sure to write my thoughts on each book once I am done. I am also planning to read through a few devotional books. Right now I am going through Traveling Light by Max Lucado. It is about letting go of the baggage and burdens that we have a tendency to carry around and not let go.
  2. Sewing. I have a few projects that I for sure need to work on like birthday presents and baby presents. I will post pictures of each project once they are completed!!! This past Saturday, I got a new sewing machine. Its a Janome AQS2009 for all those who sew! I can already tell the difference between this one and my old one.  This machine can handle more types of material and has more different stitch settings.
  3. Summer School. Yes, I will be taking two summer classes. Last year, I took one summer class but it was extremely easy, and I have a feeling these two classes will be a little harder. I am looking forward to the challenge though and it will give me something to do to keep me busy.
  4. Other. I am helping out with the Middle School Youth Group at my church with Vacation Bible School and the Sunday School Classes. I love these kids and am excited for it. I also plan to take a few trips over the summer. Hopefully at least one back to Charleston, one to visit my favorite cousin, Candace, and $lade ;). I like traveling, but I especially like seeing people I haven't seen in awhile and hanging out with them.
I feel like it has already been awhile since I have been home, but I know that the rest of the summer will fly by. Check back tomorrow for the ShoesDay post! Love you all!!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Shoesday #1 - Every Shoe Has a Story

It wasn't until last semester when someone asked me about my shoe collection that I realized I had a lot of shoes. I mean ALOT! Now when I talk about my collection of shoes, I am talking about everything....flip-flops, tennis shoes, bedroom slippers. After going through my collection, it made me look back on the times when I bought a particular pair and reminisce about the times when I wore them. So, my goal is to write about a few of my shoes each Tuesday. This idea was thought about back in February or March, but I am just now getting around to working on it. I won't talk about all my shoes because some of them are just not that interesting.
 Shoes #1
These have become an essential for me. Black flats. I had a pair for at least five years and it was time to throw them out and get a new pair. Black is one of my favorite colors to wear. It is so simple, yet classy. However, they do not have good tread on the bottom, which is a warning sign for lots of slipping! I was in the cafeteria and was completely unaware of the food I was about to step in. I almost wipped out completely, but was able to catch myself and part of the salad (half of it ended up on the floor). Thankful it was early in the afternoon and there were not a lot of people in the cafeteria. I just got up a laughed it off. I mean, that's all I could really do. :)
Shoes #2
I purchased these shoes in late September, and I pretty much lived in them from late October until February. This winter seemed to be much colder than the previous year, so these shoes kept my feet extra warm. In early February, we had snow in Charleston. The first time in awhile. I decided to wear these because they kept my feet warm all winter so of course they would keep my feet warm in the snow. However, I ignored the fact that these shoes were NOT made out of material that didn't soak up water. But the snow. The snow was so much fun. I am not a big fan of cold weather and snow, but because it doesn't snow very often in Charleston, I had to enjoy it while I could. It was fun to be out with other college students enjoying the same thing I did...acting like a kid by making snowmen and throwing snowballs. The adventure lasted for about thirty minutes when I realized my feet were completely soaked. The snow melted a few hours later.  That same night, I found myself standing outside at two in the morning because someone had pulled the fire alarm. That night was quite the adventure.

There will be more to come so check back every Tuesday. Have a great day!!

And in the words of Forrest Gump, "My momma always said you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes, where the go, where they've been." :)