Monday, October 31, 2011

A Special Kind of Love

There is a special kind of love when you teach. At least for me there is.

I love my students so much when:
  1. The lightbulb goes off when they understand a topic
  2. They give you hugs in the hallway
  3. They want to tell you about what is going on in their life
  4. They write you sweet cards
  5. They participate in class
  6. They try to act so tough and mature, but underneath that image is a sweet and innocent child still.
  7. I don't want to get up in the mornings, but I picture their faces and immediately get up
  8. I get to hang out and talk with them at lunch.
  9. They say they have missed me
  10. They genuinely try at their assignments and end up being so successful
  11. They still respect me at the end of the day because they know I respect them
  12. I can get so frustrated, but yet still love each and every one of them at the end of the day
  13. They do kind things for others and don't realize that I noticed it
  14. They aren't afraid to be vulnerable and open up to me
  15. They come into school with a positive and optimistic attitude
I have grown to love my students so much! They have a special place in my heart. They always will be the students that I taught first. This group of students will have that title.

Yes, there are days where I get so frustrated and easily worn down. There are moments when I need to walk away for a moment because I am annoyed. It happens. It is not the end of the world. I realized that it is okay to step away for a few moments to gather yourself back together and continue guiding and leading the students. I try to make sure to constantly show love to my students. They might not always see it, but it's there. It's tough love. If they don't see it, I make sure to tell them I love them on a regularly basis. Some of them may have not ever heard those words being directed towards them. They all need to hear it.

This has always been my mission statement: To love others unconditionally.  I want to continue this mission into my classroom and into the future. It is this kind of passion and care that keeps the fire burning for teaching.

Until next time,


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