Wow...It is crazy that I have been living in a different country for almost three weeks. It has become a slight blur with what all has occurred. I journal every night about the events that occur. Thank goodness for that because otherwise I would not remember what happened. Oops! This is what my week looked like last week. This is what my schedule typically looks like:
Monday - We went to campus at 10 PM. We shared the Gospel with a handful of people today. It is challenging each time, because each person has a different story or background. That night, we had womens time and talked about friendships.
Tuesday - We had a long quiet time this morning, followed by a large amount of free time. We went to campus around 4, where we did surveys and talked with some students. The last girl I did the survey with was a Christian! It was great hearing what she thought about life and God. That night, I went to a vegetarian buffet and had broccoli for the first time since I got here. Yayy!
Wednesday - We have the mornings off, which is wonderful. I usually take that time to sleep, work out, and work on school work. We had a meeting from 1 until 3, and then go to campus from 4 until 8. My campus team got invited over by an Argentine for an asado. Think of an BBQ, but ten times better! It was delicious! I am thankful I got to experience this part of the culture.
Thursday - My team had group prayer at 8:30 AM. We then went to campus at 10. At 1 pm, we helped with English Club, which is a way the students can practice their english. Thursday night, my team split off into their Bible study group and hung out. I LOVE my group. We always have great conversations. We are discussing a book by John Piper called "Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ" and the Seven "I Am´s" of Jesus Christ.
Friday - We went to campus around 11. My friend, Jesse and I, met up with some girls we had met the previous week. These four girls are all Christians, so it was awesome hanging out with them again. I showed them my English Bible and they went crazy over it! They loved how the names of each book was different like Matthew for Matteo. They invited us to come sit in one of their classes some time this coming week, so I am looking forward to that. Afterwards, my team went to the Vida Estudantil meeting (it is the Campus Crusade of Argentina). It was about the different religions and if they are all the same. Yes it was all in Castellano, but it was cool to be a part of that. That night, we went over to a leader´s house for dinner. There were Argentine students there. It was great because we got to share an American meal together which consisted of fried chicken and mac&cheese.
Saturday - Thankfully, I got to sleep in this morning! I got breakfast and worked out for a little bit. (Sidenote - there is a gym in the hotel). At three, a group of us got together and took two different buses to an impoverished area of town to hang out with the children and to tell people about the event going on next Saturday (presenting the Gospel to the people of the area). The children were loud and crazy, but I loved it!!! They were all speaking in Castellano, so I have NO idea what they were saying the majority of the time. We played a sing along game with some of them, and they loved it. We would speed up the song, and they would always tell me if I messed up, which I usually did since the song was in Spanish. Haha. We got back from that around 9:30.
Sunday - Today we went to a church service. It was about a 40 minute bus ride. One of the guys that works at Cru goes to this church as well. It was God´s plan that we went to that church because there was a visiting pastor and he happened to speak Castellano (spanish) and English. He did the entire sermon in both languages. He would say something in one language and repeat it in the other language. What blessing! After the serivce, I grabbed a bite to eat and took a VERY long nap. Tonight, we have team meetings about the upcoming week.
Until next time,
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
3 days ago